Latest Article from Acting Principal Felicity Kinsella on Communication, as written for our internal community newsletter, Newsflash 3.1 - July 2024

The impact of animal enrichment for student connection, vulnerability and kindness as written by our Pedagogista, Nicole Hunter, For Bolder Issue #3 - Bold Park's Community Magazine

Latest Article from Acting Principal Felicity Kinsella on International Mud Day, as written for our internal community newsletter, Newsflash 2.4 - June 2024

Latest Article from Acting Principal Felicity Kinsella on being part of a community, as written for our internal community newsletter, Newsflash 2.3 - June 2024

Pedagogy of Play - Play is deeply reflective of our humanity and a predominant learning strategy for young children. Ideation, mastery, perseverance, risk taking, challenge, collaboration, imagination, problem solving, innovation.

The Noongar Season of ‘Makuru’ is represented by the colour dark blue. Makuru sees the coldest and wettest time of the year.


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